GFID 범부처방역연계 감연병연구개발재단

  • 알림마당
  • 홈
  • 알림마당
  • 성과공유

Selecting the Priority Research Topics Addressing Unmet Post-immunization Safety Needs: A Model for Generating Research Proposal and Designing a Questionnaire for the Clinical Experts

Hyun-Jeong Kim, Hye-Sung Lee, Ju-Hwan Kim, Dong-Won Yoon, Yun-Ha Noh, Ju-Young Shin
Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

1. RFP : 백신 이상반응 연구 및 안정성, 유효성 품질평가 기술개발

2. 해당분과 : 3-3 과제

3. 과제명 : 안전한 예방접종을 위한 이상반응 실마리정보 검색과 인과성평가 연구 네트워크 (K-CISA 프로젝트)

4. 연구책임자 : 신주영(성균관대학교)


Objective: To gather inputs from clinical experts on selecting and prioritizing research topics, to address unmet vaccine safety needs.

Methods: A questionnaire containing 15 vaccine safety assessment research proposals was sent to 28 vaccine experts chosen from various domestic medical association boards, and the rationale for each of the proposals was provided by presenting the following information: 1) a brief summary of the clinical safety studies on the vaccine, conducted by the Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment (CISA) project group, supervised by the United States Center for Disease Control (U.S. CDC), and 2) a summary of recently published studies that address vaccine safety issues. The experts were instructed to select and rank 5 topics in the order of preference, and the preference score for each proposed topic was calculated by assigning points on a scale of 1 to 5.

Results: All 28 experts responded to the questionnaire, and the following topics were selected according to their calculated preference scores: 1) Human papillomavirus vaccine safety profile in the Korean female adolescents; 2) A signal detection of adverse events following Influenza vaccination: comparison between the US and South Korea; 3) Incidence of anaphylaxis following National Immunization Program vaccines between 2008 and 2017; 4) Safety of quadrivalent influenza vaccines compared to trivalent influenza vaccines; and 5) Pneumococcal vaccine safety profile in the general population.

Conclusion: Five research topics addressing vaccine safety were selected, for which well-constructed research protocols need to be promptly developed to address current unmet vaccine safety needs in South Korea.